Till now I only used the theme folder to overwrite specific view templates. In order to be able to separate code from theming and bundle functionality I would like to put this view template into a custom module using features.

I guess there won't be a direct way to do this in features itself but that wont be the main problem here.

1 Answer 1


You can define the views template path directly within your module (following assumes views 2.x):

 * Implementation of hook_views_api().
function mymodule_views_api() {
  $path = drupal_get_path('module', 'mymodule');
  return array(
    'api' => 2.0,
    'path' => $path,
    'template path' => $path . '/templates',

Check out the API documentation built into views for adding templates into your module: http:///help/views/api-default-views (<-- requires advanced help module)

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