I'm searching for a way to add unlimited amount of multiple mixed fields in a node.
In few words there is such a situation: let's say, I have a content type with fields "picture" and "text", and for both of them "number of values" is set to "unlimited", which lets user to add unlimited amount of photos and unlimited amount of text blocks.
What I want to achieve is that content editor could mix those two fields together, like it is possible to change places of entries of one field. The example of entry could be like this:
editor is adding a block of text, then a picture, then another picture, then again a block of text, etc.
The problem is that it is not clear what could be the amount of these elements and their sequence may change depending on circumstances.
I know that it is possible to do this with Views, but that makes the work of editor much more complicated and he/she cannot see the "full view" at the same time, so maybe it is possible somehow to merge two types of fields?