As said in the title, I'm having a problem with the "read more" link. I made my own view (wie-zijn-we-pagina) and content type (wie-zijn-we-) and am trying to add a custom "read more" and "add new comment" link to it. The code that I'm using gives me the correct custom "Add new comment" link but the "Read more" link doesn't work. At first it didnt even show up.
My code:
function ap_hogeschool_theme_preprocess_node(&$variables){
$variables['content']['links']['comment']['#links']['comment-comments'] = FALSE;
if($variables['view'] && $variables['type'] == 'wie_zijn_we_')
$variables['content']['links']['node']['#links']['node-readmore']['title'] ='<div class="custom-add-read-more"> </div>';
$variables['content']['links']['comment']['#links']['node-readmore']['html'] = TRUE;
$variables['content']['links']['comment']['#links']['comment-add']['title'] = '<div class="custom-add-comment"> </div>';
$variables['content']['links']['comment']['#links']['comment-add']['html'] = TRUE;
I don't know if the part where i call the view and content type is correct... I'm still a new drupal user.
An image of what i have:
An image of what in need to have:
Could somebady please help me along?