I'm having this problem:
I'm using Commerce Kickstart 7.x-1.19 (also tryed on 2.x) and I'm trying to create a simple view to replace my homepage with a list of products, set the relation to the referenced prodcut etc. Everything is working as expected except for images that are not linked to content (node display) for anonymous users.
I know that the image formatter must be changed on Product Type -> Manage Display and not in the content type itself.
If I change a settings in the on the View I'm working, I can set any Image Style and is rendered as it should be, even Color box is working as expected for every user, but for some reason when I choose any Image Style and set Link image to: content this is not working, the image is not linking to the node.( Field title does link to the content)
I think this is a permissions issue because when I was setting this view I had this problem: Views results empty for unprivileged user when using Relationship (https://drupal.org/node/1276450), I fixed that using the permission View any product of any type.
Any help or idea is very appreciated, this is driving me crazy...