I've having the darnedest time finding a solution to the following error that is seen on my login screen to Drupal Commons 3 running on Drupal 7.22.

Notice: unserialize(): Error at offset 52 of 77 bytes in registration_entity_settings() (line 863 of /var/www/html/profiles/commons/modules/contrib/registration/registration.module).

We are additionally using FBOauth. Outside of that this is a new install.

To try to disect the issue a bit more I added the following right above the unserialize call.

 859     if ($result) {
 860         print '<pre>';
 861         print_r($result);
 862         print '</pre>';
 863         $result['settings'] = unserialize($result['settings']);
 864     }
 865   }

This dumps what is in $result['settings']. I thought perhaps a value was incorrectly serialized in the first place, but I cannot see what the issue might be. The output dump...

    [entity_id] => 5
    [entity_type] => node
    [capacity] => 0
    [status] => 1
    [send_reminder] => 0
    [reminder_date] => 
    [reminder_template] => 
    [open] => 
    [close] => 
    [settings] => a:2:{s:12:"from_address";s:17:"[email protected]";s:22:"multiple_slots";i:0;}

This error disappears once I'm logged in. This is a sandbox/development box.

1 Answer 1


Since this was a development server, I just blew away the current install and database. This hasn't occurred since a reinstall of Commons 3.

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