I have made a view block to show on each node for recommending other node of similar interest type.

Every node have a field called Main Category, which is taxonomy.

I want to show those node title which has similar category where view block is attached(I mean at node page).

Note - I have attached view block into node by EVA field.

  • "the unique ID of the entity the view is attached to -- as well as any tokens generated from that entity -- can be passed in as arguments to the view." - so, have you tried to set up arguments? What problem with it do you have?
    – Mołot
    Commented Jul 19, 2013 at 7:20

1 Answer 1


There is a module for that: Similar by Terms

However, it's possible with views as well: Creating list of similar nodes in Drupal 7/Views 3

Alternatively, you can use my configuration:

An example of view block with related nodes based on 'tags'.

  1. Create a block (take a look at screenshots below)
  2. Add a relationship: Taxonomy term: Content using: Tags
  3. Add contextual filter: (field_tags) Content: Nid

    When the filter value is NOT available
    Provide default value -> Content ID from URL

    check: Exclude
    this contextual filter will remove current node from the view
  4. Add contextual filter: Taxonomy term: Term ID

    When the filter value is NOT available
    Provide default value -> Taxonomy term ID from URL
    check: Load default filter from term page
    check: Load default filter from node page, that's good for related taxonomy blocks
    choose the vocabulary (tags in this case)
    Multiple-value handling -> Filter to items that share any term

    When the filter value IS available or a default is provided
    Specify validation criteria -> Basic validation

    check: Allow multiple values

  5. Define the fields (only titles in this case)

  6. Make the view display only distinct items

    Other -> Query settings:
    check: Distinct
    check: Pure distinct


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