Original thread on DO (will keep it up to date)
Hello. I am currently developing a mid-to-large project. As i've done before, but using the 1.x branch, I use Features to track all structural and functional components of my site in order to be able to transfer them from my local installation, to the staging server, to the production server etc, while also having svn capabilities and tracking.
The current project consists of 45 Content Types with an average of 15 fields each. There are also ~15 vocabularies, ~10 fieldgroups, and a couple of tons of views.
The problem occurs when trying to track all this stuff with Features. It produces a large (initially, just alpha versions of the Content Types) .info file ( > 100K) which results in the following error:
PDOException: SQLSTATE[22001]: String data, right truncated: 1406 Data too long for column 'info' at row 1: UPDATE {system} SET info=:db_update_placeholder_0 WHERE
// yada yada yada serialized array of the .info file
Which is totally natural seeing that the collumn is declared as a BLOB.
My question, is how should one go about to manage such a problem?
1) perform a ALTER TABLE
? (Ouch)system
2) Use branch 1.x instead which is less verbose in the .info file declarations?
3) Break down the project and track it in multiple features? (I'd avoid this cause it will make reverting those features a hellish job since one would depend on the other and vice versa)
4) ...?
I'd appreciate any input on the matter