I get this error after I have migrated my site from local to live.
Notice: unserialize() [function.unserialize]: Error at offset 718 of 1340 bytes in views_db_object->load_row() (line 2251 of /storage/content/16/184116/.com/public_html/sites/all/modules/views/includes/view.inc)
And this results in my site not showing my views. I suspect that this could have something to do with me changing "mylocalsitedirectory" to "mylivesite" in DB before importing DB to live site and ending up having a different serialization in Views than what it expects. But how do I solve this?
and purge the cache. Maybe it will help you.unserialize
to get the php array, change the array value you need to in PHP, thenserialize
it up again before pasting into the relevant db field. Simple as that :)s:123:
to match the char count of the string after its been changed.