I've attached an entityform object to content type on my site, the content is an organic group with users and administrators.
I want to extend the current emailing functionality of entityform -which currently emails an administrator, and the user who submitted it- to include the administrators for the organic group which this instance of the entityform is attached to.
As far as I can tell, when an entityform is submitted, it doesn't track which node it is connected to, it simply throws all the results for that type of form into a big pool, so I was struggling to try to create a rule that would get all the users from that organic group.
My alternative solution was to simply use hook_form_FORM_ID_alter
, and add an additional submit handler to the form, and then write the email script out from there, it was mostly a last resort but that's where I'm upto.
However, this is where I'm stuck, for whatever reason, it just does not respond to my submit callback.
function mymodule_form_review_entityform_edit_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state) {
$form['#submit'] = array(
I would so hope that I'm just being an idiot and getting the syntax or the code wrong to define my own submit handler, but when I dpm
out the $form
, it does acknowledge that there are 2 callbacks in the array. Is this a correct way to amend the callbacks for the form submit?
(Before anyone suggests Webform, I've already been down that route, and in terms of things this form needed to have, Webform couldn't do everything EntityForm can)