I'm trying to theme an autocomplete dropdown from a textfield. In this case the autocomplete is provided from the finder module.

I need to theme it beyond just simply adding css. Ideally I'd like a theme function to override or a template file but I can't find one.

I have tried using the theme function which is provided by the finder module, however all that does is theme the resulting page, not the autocomplete drop down.

Can anyone advise?

  • 1
    Just to confirm, is it the autocomplete widget provided by core or one that the Finder module provides?
    – Clive
    Commented Oct 8, 2013 at 16:45
  • Ideally the one that finder provides, However if there's a way to do it with core then I'll just code it with the normal autocomplete field. I don't need half of the gui features of finder anyway. Commented Oct 9, 2013 at 9:56
  • Can you be more specific about in what ways you want to theme the dropdown? Can you give an example of what you expect to see as the end result?
    – hargobind
    Commented Nov 8, 2013 at 7:32

1 Answer 1


To theme the Drupal 7 finder autocomplete dropdown take a look at this video. Generally you write PHP into the 'Rewrite' settings on the advanced options of the finder. I would avoid using the theme() function, it might be obsolete.

To theme the Drupal 6 finder version, you may find this article helpful. It uses theme functions.

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