Got it. Basically we're moving ['all']
to ['(min-width: 720px)']
in the array structure. When it's loaded back in all of the stylesheets are effectively now wrapped into a media query.
function hook_preprocess_page(&$vars) {
// get style sheet array
$css = $vars['css'];
// copy over the [all] to a media query key
$css['(min-width: 720px)'] = $css['all'];
// Remove the all
$vars['styles'] = drupal_get_css($css);
This leaves us the ability to define other style sheets in
for other breakpoints.
stylesheets['(max-width: 480px)'][] = phone.css
Update, I turned this into a larger structure to let my content maintainers pick where the breakpoint should be.
A small idea for an add-on. I had an issue with a recent Drupal 6 site that I was trying to make responsive. I got tired of trying to override CSS from various areas so I wrote the following hook_preprocess_page to move stylesheets from [all] and move them to a logical break point. By doing this I can retro fit a mobile stylesheet into
A small idea for an add-on. I had an issue with a recent Drupal 6 site that I was trying to make responsive. I got tired of trying to override CSS from various areas so I wrote the following hook_preprocess_page to move stylesheets from [all] and move them to a logical break point. By doing this I can retro fit a mobile stylesheet into
* Implemntation of hook_preprocess_page
* Takes CSS files from the $vars['css']['all'] and moves them to $vars['css'][$breakpoint]. In effect, this moves all
* existing stylesheets into a media query that you can specifiy. By default it's 480px.
function wrapcss_preprocess_page(&$vars) {
$css = $vars['css'];
$pixel_break = (int) variable_get('wrapcss_breakpoint', '480');
// Ensure that we have a value and that value is numeric
if (isset($pixel_break) && is_numeric($pixel_break))
$breakpoint = '(min-width: ' . $pixel_break . 'px)';
// If not, just default to 480
$breakpoint = '(min-width: 480px)';
// copy [all] to [breakpoint]
$css["$breakpoint"] = $css['all'];
// Remove stylesheets from [all]
// Import back in
$vars['styles'] = drupal_get_css($css);