I have users each with a profile using the profile2 module. I am using a cookbook based on the Migrate framework to create the users and import profile data.
Sample CSV data would be:
"1001","[email protected]","new tester","00000 12345-213"
But one of the profile fields is a text list using the checkboxes / radio buttons widget. According to the GUI, the values are stored in the format key|label.
So the field has values:
weight lifting|weight lifting
So I am trying to import data similar to:
"member_nr","email","username","tel_1", "interests"
"1001","[email protected]","new tester","00000 12345-213", "soccer, weight lifting, boxing, tennis, cooking"
However, when running the import, I get an error that says:
SQLSTATE[22001]:String data, right truncated: 1406 data too long for column field_interests' at row 1: INSERT INTO... [the data from the CSV file]
How should multi values be formatted in the CSV file to be accepted?