How to attach javascripts to form rendered with ajax?
In particular, I have problem with popup calendars in my form. They are not showing, when my form is rendered with ajax.
I am rendering form with javascript as follows:
$.get('/event-form', {}, function(data) {
This code calls ajax callback "/event-form". returned variable 'data' containes my form. This form is displayed on web page in HTML element $('#event-popup-container'). It works OK, just date_popup elements in form don't show popup calendars. Propably I have to attach some javascripts somehow, when the form is not loaded with page load, but with ajax call. But I have no clue how.
I have such a code in my menu callback of path '/event-form':
$event_form = drupal_get_form('ef_event__form', $event_id, NULL);
$output .= drupal_render($event_form);
Can anybody help, how to make work all needed javascripts, when the form is loaded with ajax?