I've a term reference multi value field. What is the right way to count filled values which is also portable to D8, D9 etc.
The dsm output shows like this:
$wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('entity_type', $entity);
Dealing with entity reference field you can get the identifires like this:
dpm($wrapper->{FIELD_NAME}->value(array('identifier' => TRUE)));
dpm($wrapper->{FIELD_NAME}->value(array('identifier' => TRUE)));
is good to get all ids from a multivalue field taxonomy reference
Apr 6, 2017 at 14:41
Using Entity Metadata Wrapper, you can achieve it this way.
$wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('node', $node);
$count = count($wrapper->{FIELD_NAME});
It really depends on the type of field, and on when you are trying to retrieve the values.
During hook_form_alter()
for checkboxes, radios, and select fields, the values you are referring to are typically set via the #options property. Example: $form['artist_tags']['und']['#options']
. You can wrap that in count()
to get the number of values.
During hook_form_validate()
or hook_form_submit()
or a function called from the $form['#after_build']
property, you will also have access to the number of selected values via $form_state['values']['artist_tags']['und']
(or when $form_state['submitted']
is TRUE, check $form_state['input']['artist_tags']['und']
, or are you trying to count the inputted values during form validation/submit?