I pulled this from here:
$terms = taxonomy_get_tree(1); // Use the correct vocabulary id.
// Get the active trail tid-s.
$active = arg(2);
$active_parents = taxonomy_get_parents_all($active);
$active_parents_tids = array();
foreach ($active_parents as $parent) {
$active_parents_tids[] = $parent->tid;
// Build the menu.
$term_count = count($terms);
$cont = '<ul class="taxonomy_menu">';
for ($i = 0; $i < $term_count; $i++) {
// Build the classes string.
$classes = '';
$children = taxonomy_get_children($terms[$i]->tid);
$active_trail = in_array($terms[$i]->tid, $active_parents_tids);
if ($active_trail && $children) $classes .= 'expanded active-trail ';
elseif ($active_trail) $classes .= 'active-trail ';
elseif ($children) $classes .= 'collapsed ';
if ($i == 0) $cont .= '<li class="first '.$classes.'">'.l($terms[$i]->name, 'taxonomy/term/'.$terms[$i]->tid);
else {
if ($terms[$i]->depth == $depth) $cont .= '</li><li class="'.$classes.'">'.l($terms[$i]->name, 'taxonomy/term/'.$terms[$i]->tid);
elseif ($terms[$i]->depth > $depth) $cont .= '<ul class="level-'.$terms[$i]->depth.'"><li class="first '.$classes.'">'.l($terms[$i]->name, 'taxonomy/term/'.$terms[$i]->tid);
elseif ($terms[$i]->depth < $depth) {
// Add missing end-tags depending of depth level difference.
for ($j = $terms[$i]->depth; $j < $depth; $j++) {
$cont .= '</li></ul>';
$cont .= '</li><li class="'.$classes.'">'.l($terms[$i]->name, 'taxonomy/term/'.$terms[$i]->tid);
// If we have reached the last element add all possibly missing end-tags.
if (!isset($terms[$i+1])) {
for ($j = 0; $j < $terms[$i]->depth; $j++) {
$cont .= '</li></ul>';
$depth = $terms[$i]->depth;
$cont .= '</li></ul>';
Finding the $vid can be a bit tricky, start with 1 and go from there.