I am trying to add a Send email tab to all user's profile using hook_menu(). However, it's not working. My custom module name is page_callback_test and here's the code in it.

function page_callback_test_menu() {
$items['/user/%user/email_user'] = array(
    'title' => t('Send email'),
    'page callback' => '_send_email_touser',
    'page arguments' => array(1),
    'access callback' => TRUE,
    'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,

return $items;


function _send_email_touser(){
    return t("let's send email to this user");

1 Answer 1


Your code works - just remove the first forward-slash from the URL you are passing to hook_menu().

Correct: $items['user/%user/email_user'] = array(
Not correct: $items['/user/%user/email_user'] = array(

Be sure to clean cache after you update this.


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