I need to remove "Create new account" from the tabs on /user
I was suggested to use hook_menu
, but:
- It seems that
can only add, not remove items. hook_menu
does not work for me as I described in Why my hook_menu does not work?
Further: I've found that there is also hook_menu_alter
hook. But it does not work for me also. I created the following function for testing:
function cleanetica_advanced_menu_alter(&$items) { $items['user'] = array( 'title' => 'blogs', 'description' => 'Listing of blogs.', #'page callback' => 'blog_page', 'access arguments' => array('access content'), 'type' => MENU_DEFAULT_LOCAL_TASK ); //$items = array(); }
I see no changes in /user
page after I have added this function into the module,