I would like to have a universal Log out for different applications that are displayed in form of multiple tabs.
I am using Drupal 7.17.
I have a Drupal Logout, but it doesn't actually log me out from the external apps that I have displayed under the different tabs.
Is there a module I can use in Drupal that would allow to log me out from multiple applications at once in one click of a button.
Right now, if I log in one of the app, its logs me through all the apps, but when I log out from one app, it only logs me out from one app at at time.
Thank you for your help! Izumi.
logout then you can use jquery to call those scripts, lets say when user hits logout in Drupal, make a jquery onclick
function that will call thatjavascript:__doPostBack('ctl00$alogout$lnkLogOut','')