I have created a subtheme of "omega kickstart theme" and I want to add some custom css files to it. I searched and got some solution(which didn't worked for me), the solution is as follows:
create your custom css file and place it in css folder of your subtheme.
edit your subtheme.info file(edit under optional css code of info file) as follows:
css[yourthemename.css][name] = 'Your custom products styles' css[yourthemename.css][description] = 'This file holds all the product page CSS of your theme.' css[yourthemename.css][options][weight] = '12'
The other Solutions were as follows:
Specify your custom css path file in info file as
stylesheets[all][] = mycustomcss.css
Make use of "drupal_add_css" function in template.php as follows
function MYTHEMENAME_preprocess_node(&$variables) { if ($variables['view_mode'] == 'full') { $path = drupal_get_path('theme', 'MYTHEMENAME'); drupal_add_css($path . 'MY-THEME-PATH');//PUT UR CSS FILE PATH } }
I tried this function twice with two different paths. First I gave path as '/css/mycustomcss.css' and second time I gave path as '/MYTHEMENAME/css/mycustom.css'.
UNFORTUNATELY NONE of these solutions worked for me. Am I missing something or is it something else?...please help.