I followed the instructions in this drupal.org article to subtheme Commerce Kickstart theme, but one thing I didn't get. I have changed the background logo bg.png to my own. Create directory my_theme/images, and put the new bg.png there. There is a line in MyTheme_style.css, in section 1. Global:
body {
background: #ececec url("../images/bg.png") left top; }
I've supposed then that the bg.png charged woul'd be my own, but it doesn't happen.
By the way, I first subthemed Commerce Kickstart theme with drush, and followed the other steps to make changes in MyTheme.info file.
I tried provide full path in url("../images.bg.png"), but still not working.
Am I missing something?
Edit: I will explain in details.
First I made a sub-theme of commerce kickstart with drush.
$ drush dl omega_tools
$ drush en omega_tools
$ drush omega-subtheme "The New Theme Name Here" --base=commerce_kickstart_theme --enable
To change some css attributes I create the file livraria-acervo-theme-alpha-default.css, where livraria-acervo-theme is my theme name. That file overrides the attributes changed from commerce-kickstart-alpha-default.css. Ok, works well.
But I need to change some global attributes that are in global.css. Then, from the drupal.org article cited, I follow some parts, as other was already done by drush. File livraria_acervo_theme.info was created by drush. But the code block
css[livraria_acervo_style.css][name] = Livraria Acervo theme global style.
css[livraria_acervo_style.css][description] = This file holds all the globally active custom CSS of Livraria Acervo theme.
css[livraria_acervo_style.css][options][weight] = 12
settings[alpha_css][livraria_acervo_style.css] = 'livraria_acervo_style.css'
except the last line, was added in livraria_acervo_theme.info file
I think including this code block in livraria_acervo_theme.info file and create livraria_acervo_style.css and put it in path livrariaacervo/sites/all/themes/livraria_acervo_theme/ would cause my changed attributes in livraria_acrevo_style.css to take effect. But it doesn't.
I also created livrariaacervo/sites/all/themes/livraria_acervo_theme/images/ directory and put my background image bg.png there, and in
body {
background: #ececec url("../images/bg.png") left top; }
I change "../images/bg.png" by "livrariaacervo/sites/all/themes/livraria_acervo_theme/images/bg.png", but didn't take effect.
The fact is that the livraria_acervo_style.css isn't used, as inspecting the chanted attribute in DOM, the file that is used is commerce_kickstart_style.css
It's my first time with sub-theme a Drupal theme, so I think is something I'm missing.