I have a shop implement with drupal commerce, I have a problem, I have 2 method on payment method1 and method2, in payment step, when user select method1 and go to bank to pay,it has a order record in commerce/orders , when the payment with method1 not successful in commerce/orders ,status is processing, after payment with method1 not successful drupal come back to payment step and if user select method2 I see another record with same order_number in commerce/orders, The problem is here when the user accomplish payment with method2 , the 2 record status field will set to "completed" and manager of site dont understand finally by which method payment finished,

anybody know where is the problem and how can correct it?

1 Answer 1


Finally I found the solution for my problem, the problem came from relation of views to product_order table, I just go to that views and revert views. and worked

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