Drupal 7 is not displaying highlighted fields on using form_set_error but error message is getting displayed. I have rendered my form hook_form in template. Could that be the cause for this issue?

Here is my code:

if(($form_state['values']['field1']=='' ){
 form_set_error('', t('one field is required')); 


2 Answers 2


First argument of form_set_error tells Drupal what element should get highlighted. Obviously empty string means "none", so your code works exactly as designed.

To make field required, you can go a simpler way: Use #required attribute and let Drupal take care for details.

To round it off, as Clive said, your code would be:

form_set_error('field1', t('one field is required'));

But if you're just checking for an empty field, use #required.

  • To round it off @user25283 your code would be form_set_error('field1', t('one field is required'));. But if you're just checking for an empty field, use #required as Mołot says
    – Clive
    Commented Jan 15, 2014 at 13:06

It's not working for me using the below code:

  $form['field1'] = array(
        '#title' => t('Field1'),
        '#size' => 24,
        '#type' => 'textfield',
    '#default_value' =>$field ,
    '#required' => TRUE,      
  '#element_validate' => array('function_name'), 


if(($form_state['values']['field1']=='' ){
 form_set_error('field1', t('one field is required')); 


getting the error message in red at the top but my text box is not getting highlighted with red border. I have used this text box in hook_form in a module, but i have called this form in theme using

print render(drupal_get_form('hook_form'));

I guess the error message is not getting highlighted since am calling this in a theme.

This is getting worked when i call my form in a module but i want the form to be called from a template. In this case my error message is not getting highlighted with red border over the text box.

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