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Custom date format in email body

I have a confirmation email. In the confirmation email i print the Date of the event (Date field) in the e-mail body by [entity-fetched:field_event_date]. This is working fine but the Date is printed ...
meez's user avatar
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How can I set a reminder for a specific user to be triggered on a specific date?

How can I set a reminder for a specific user to be triggered on a specific date (in a Drupal 7 site)? Example: I want to remind the user regarding particular event such as hepB vaccination day. Any ...
rose's user avatar
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How to create a task which run at cron time and send emails to users?

Is there a module (based on cron) which can be used to check a date value form a field and to send email to users 2 days before the date? If there is not, how can I implement this to work with cron?
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