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Rule: Auto Menu link for child via entity reference

I have child nodes which are assigned to the entity reference of the parents. I want to create a rule which assigns the child node menu items to the parent node menu link. I have many parent nodes, so ...
Meito's user avatar
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Module to display a website's favicon when displaying a link to it

I'm looking for a module that will display a website's favicon when display a link to that site. Specifically, I want to enable it to one certain Link field. For example, if a user edits a node and ...
Daniel's user avatar
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How can I turn several Fields into a menu via a View?

I have 3 text Fields that I use for URLs, attached to a Panel Page. I'd like to create a menu with these URLs. I've sort of done this with a View, by setting the Contextual Filters to use the node ID,...
MeltingDog's user avatar