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2 answers

Override Views Contextual Filter in View Exposed Form Validation

I'm using the Content:Nid contextual filter in my view (with exposed filters) and would like to dynamically set the value of this contextual filter from the exposed form validation callback. Is this ...
ovi's user avatar
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Embedded view results being lost when form_set_error is being called

I have a page (user profile.tpl.php) with a custom form and a view embedded in the tpl.php file. The custom form is defined in a custom module, with validation and submit hooks, and the view is being ...
Jean Azzopardi's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to create a webform submission table with values from the form itself?

I find the current webform submission table completely inadequate when forms are submitted by anonymous users - you can't tell one from another other than by its submission date which not helpful in ...
user5013's user avatar
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Making text fields autocomplete in views exposed filters

I want to make a text field auto complete in a views exposed form. I tried using the following code but nothing happens(I don't see that blue icon in the text field): <?php function nk_menu() { ...
Nima's user avatar
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Normal View with multi language website

I have a normal view on multi language site and add a field Called website the field is displayed on en language but does not show in the another language How i can fix this problem
Rasha Sharif's user avatar
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multi page content drupal 7

So i want to create a website which presents information about topics over multiple pages, i.e. say the content was films, one page would be an overview of the film and there would be a button at the ...
ghost1990's user avatar
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2 answers

How to display a newly created node (created using a form) in the view using ajax (without page reload)?

I have created a "Share update" form using form API. Below the form, I am displaying a view "feeds" of all the published nodes of content type "updates". On submit, the form saves the data entered in ...
designplusdev's user avatar
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Contact form - leaving the form and resuming it later

Is it possible to have a contact form in drupal, which you can save, and resume later?
user12885's user avatar
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How to override exposed filters view

I have one form of exposed filters of view. I need to override few elements of that, like change options for select box dropdown and like that. For that I have created view, and used hook_form_alter, ...
Kalpesh Patel's user avatar
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how to make a search form

I would like to make a search form for my site so that users can use a series of drop down menus and click to search and it will create a view with listings that fit the criteria of the search. Its ...
jake's user avatar
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form_set_error() doesn't work in exposed_validate()

I have made a custom module which implements a new field for Field API and a filter for Views. Everything works like a charm except value validation for exposed filters. I will describe a problem step ...
Alexey Markov's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

I use jQuery to alter the exposed form select options. Got error: "An illegal choice has been detected." How to bypass validation?

I have a view that has three expose filters (Manufacturer, Type, Model), three options list (term reference to Printer vocabulary) . Vocabulary: Printer (3 levels) -- HP ---- xxx ---...
gilzero's user avatar
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3 answers

Prevent hook_form_alter to works only on frontend not in admin?

I have used a hook_form_alter to alter a form fields value randomly and its working fine, but the problem is that when i open this webform in admin panel its just change the value which i dont. Its ...
Pramod Kumar Sharma's user avatar
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I've created a Webform. Whats next?

I am completely new to Drupal. And I would really appreciate if someone could help me out here. I used the "WebForm" module, and created a form. The data went into the database perfectly fine, as it ...
He Hui's user avatar
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How to display, search, and edit form submissions from a table with WebForm?

I am very new to Drupal and I've been recently assigned a task to make a form for a single admin to register people and their info. It's basically a registration/contact form, except these people aren'...
Eric Ren's user avatar
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Add Form frields to View

I'd like to generate a view of Employee names, but I'd like to embed it inside a form as well as add checkboxes next to each Employee name. I tried to use Rewrite the output of this field but my <...
Kenny Wyland's user avatar
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Exposed filter of a view embedded in a panel overriding a node form triggers node submission. How to prevent this?

I have a panel overriding the node/add form of a custom content-type in one pane and a view listing some nodes including 2 exposed filters to reduce the results of that list in another pane. Both, ...
Volker's user avatar
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Need block context in hook_form_alter

I'm trying to get my module to work: it replicates an exposed filter of a view into a block to display on other pages. Altering the form generally works, but it unfortunately works globally, ie. my ...
no more drupal's user avatar
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How to format 'node reference' field values from the Views module

How can I format the output of a 'node reference' field that is generated using a View? Currently it's formatted as (See 2nd graphic): "FirstName - Lastname Pagetitle" I'm trying to change that to:...
Citricguy's user avatar
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Make a Views form collapsible

I have a search form in my header. Instead of using the core search, I used a custom block that takes the search string and passes it to the Advanced Search page, built in Views, where users can ...
Mike's user avatar
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Notice: Trying to get property of non-object

I have created a module, and I am trying to use the following code: function mymodule_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) { if ($form_state['view']->name == 'album1') { /...
Hacker's user avatar
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Create dependent dropdown in views exposed filter

I've created a view of users. It includes two exposed filters as drop downs to filter the list. One is for the city and the other for the squadron. The squadron drop down is related to the cities as ...
Ben's user avatar
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Adding class to form element via hook_form_alter for views exposed filter is not working

I have a Views exposed filter, for which I am trying to add a class via hook_form_alter() with the following code: $form['price']['#attributes'] = array('class' => array('price-hide')); ...
DanH's user avatar
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How can I implement a form into a DC view footer?

I am trying to make a shipping quote module for Drupal Commerce (DC) and I am trying to do it within the DC cart view footer by sending a form within a view. I have done quite a bit of research and ...
Robert Fleming's user avatar
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2 answers

Can I expose the signup form through views 2?

I am using Signup and Views in Drupal 6 (I can't install Drupal 7), and I created a view that lists all the nodes for which users can signup. Now I want to enable users to signup for one of these ...
ate_f's user avatar
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