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Commerce order mail is empty for anonymous users

In the function below, there is the problem of sending email to anonymous users, the email sending only for users logged and to complete checkout and payment. I get the following error message: ...
Reza Abbasian's user avatar
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Print commerce pricing attributes to email receipt

Users cannot see what size or color shirt they purchased in the email receipt because tokens won't print the attribute fields provided by Commerce Product Attributes / Commerce Pricing Attributes / ...
user3108268's user avatar
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Access custom billing field in rules using Commerce

I have added the field field_e_mail to the Billing profile type in Commerce and would like to use this for sending an confirmation email to the customer (customers never log in). However, I can't for ...
Lenny's user avatar
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Commerce / Rules - commerce-order:mail is empty for anonymous users

I'm having trouble sending order notification emails to anonymous users. As a bare-bones test I have created a new rule which triggers on 'Completing the checkout process', checks if the current user ...
Chris's user avatar
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Sending HTML emails from sendmail module

I was using SMTP authentication and drupal mail module for sending HTML emails. Suddenly emails are not going. Hence i disabled the SMTP module and directly send emails using drupal email but emails ...
Deepak vishnu's user avatar
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How to trigger an email to someone who opens an account but never signs in?

Assume a user visited your site and signed up for an account, but such user never did Sign in to your site anymore. Is there any way to generate mails to such visitors, for letting them know about ...
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Drupal commerce email order notification not sending properly

On the rule of sending email order notification I just changed the "FROM:" of the send mail, instead of the email of the website I want the email of the anonymous customer from a custom field of ...
Danz's user avatar
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Why are my custom email messages sent without styling?

I have a Commerce Kickstart website working, everything works fine. Recently I wanted to create another notification email once I give an order certain status. Well I created the rule, also created ...
svelandiag's user avatar
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Configuring mail function in multistep form submission handler [closed]

I have been working in a multistep customer-survey form and i am unable to configure and send mail after the form is successfully submitted. Here's is code for submit handler, function ...
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