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Why is CloudFlare blocking file uploads?

I have a simple form where people raise IT helpdesk requests (oh, the irony...) and this creates a case in CiviCRM. It's an unsophisticted but cheap helpdesk system for the few requests we get. A ...
ChumKui's user avatar
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Force download string as text file

I'm trying to return the results of a db_query as a raw text file. The php solution uses header() to instruct browsers to download content. I've attempted using header() in an AJAX callback function, ...
Ghoti's user avatar
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Trigger an event when file is upload on managed_file field

I'm trying to trigger an javascript function when a user select an image for a managed_file field and click on the upload button, not the submit one.Except that in Drupal 7, managed_filr field do not ...
Gwaldhorf Miopau's user avatar
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Server Configuration causes file uploads to fail

I have a drupal 7 site running on a Redhat shared hosting environment that uses zend php. I am having problems with file upload on content types and webforms that accepts various file types up to ...
nizz0k's user avatar
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How can i prevent form submission when a file is being removed or uploaded?

I have a node form for my custom content type. There is file field in that content type. And i want to prevent form submission when a file is being removed and uploaded. Note: File removed and ...
Iqbal's user avatar
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Bad error handling of .pdf files against all other file types when a file exceeds the maximum file size

I have a file field with the following allowed file extensions: txt, pdf, doc, docx, zip The Maximum upload size is set via my php.ini and it is upload_max_filesize = 2M 1. While I'm trying to ...
mchar's user avatar
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How to replace ajax callback of file upload in managed_file?

I have a text-area with some content inside. I have another form element that is for upload xls file. Now what I want to achieve is, when I click on upload button the xls file content should replace ...
Sugandh Khanna's user avatar
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How to fix broken file.module function 'file_ajax_progress' without hacking the core and patching after every update?

When site has enabled page cache and anonymous user tries to upload a file, he cannot see upload status progress. He see only message "Starting upload...". Bug was reported in June 2012, has a working ...
Jasom Dotnet's user avatar
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File field upload in modal/dialog

I have a custom content type with file field as one of the fields. For theming/UI purposes I should make this file field as clickable button. And only when user clicks on it, he/she gets modal window ...
ctrnz's user avatar
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Anonymous users request to enter email to download files [duplicate]

I have a question that i thought originally i would able to answer myself. I have a site that show some pdf help files. The files is open to anyone so they can download freely. The question is how i ...
Drupalizeme's user avatar
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Is there a stable way to fill a filefield/imagefield via bulk upload in D7

OK, here's the deal. I've implemented image gallery nodes in D7 the straight-forward way, i.e. create node type 'gallery' and add an imagefield with unbounded number of values. Nice markup via Views/...
Thomas K.'s user avatar
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Setting managed file default value from ajax request

I'm trying to create a form using the Form API with the following behavior: For a custom slider module, users can choose to upload an image which is saved as a managed file. This works fine. They ...
matt's user avatar
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Prevent File Upload during an ajax call

I have a form that includes a managed_file field as well as a data popup and select field. When the user selects a date, an ajax call is made to populate the select field. However, I noticed that ...
Robbert's user avatar
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Download file after login

I'm looking for direction with regards to how to get a file to download only after you are logged in, and to be prompted to login if you try to download it and then upon a correct submission, have ...
Lester Peabody's user avatar
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Webforms Ajax File Upload Issue with IE7 and IE8

The file upload fields in my webform work everywhere except IE7 and IE8. When I click the upload button I get a js alert that says the following "An error has occurred while attempting to process /...
Emanegux's user avatar
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How can I add a progress bar to Managed File upload?

How can I add a progress bar to my Managed File form field? Here's my field code: $form['file'] = array( '#type' => 'managed_file', '#title' => t('Logo image'), '#description' => t(...
longboardnode's user avatar
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How to get rid of error messages after second try where file was uploaded successfully?

My question is similar to: Why error message from my custom file validator remains the ...
Codium's user avatar
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404 error on AJAX file upload

I get 404 errors on file uploads on a D7.19 website. The displayed error is the usual oversized file but I'm sure it's unrelated (see below). Here is the apache log message : POST /file/ajax/...
Countzero's user avatar
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How can i put popup box captcha on managed file remove button?

Can We write function for remove button as I want to display Captcha in popup on Remove button for security reason. same type of some function like used in below post. How can I automatically ...
Drupalrk's user avatar
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Is there a module that allows me to add files via ajax to a body field?

I am using Drupal 7. I am looking for a module that allows users to drag and drop files (images/video/audio) inline into a body field with something like jQuery UI sortable. I would ideally like the ...
oobie11's user avatar
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Media/file repository - asset autocomplete widget?

Does anyone know of a module which would install an autocomplete widget for file and image fields on admin-side? The purpose of it would be to allow admin/editor to re-use a reference to an already ...
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