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In node add, how to upload file using image from clipboard

How can I paste image from clipboard and save into image_field ?
DanielRatk's user avatar
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Trigger an event when file is upload on managed_file field

I'm trying to trigger an javascript function when a user select an image for a managed_file field and click on the upload button, not the submit one.Except that in Drupal 7, managed_filr field do not ...
Gwaldhorf Miopau's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Where to store JS and CSS that is not associated with a module?

I've been given a ZIP file with the JS, CSS, HTML, and assets for a stand-alone jQuery application. We would like to host this application through our Drupal 7 site hosted on Acquia Cloud. I am ...
andycarlberg's user avatar
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How can I get public files path in javascript files?

I want to display files present in the public folder(sites/default/files). So in the module file when I click on a link it will call to js function, How can I get all file names which are present in ...
Suraj's user avatar
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Hook form upload

I need to show a modal message like "Uploaded file exceeds X MB" when the user tries to upload a large file. I have set maximum size in the field settings and when I try to upload a large file Drupal ...
Cris's user avatar
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How to link an image with a PDF?

Actually, I have a content type with 2 fields, image field (multiple) which will contain some pictures and an attachment field (accept only one file) which is file of type PDF. I have a view where I ...
Dvex's user avatar
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Tabledrag in grid shape for media form field widget thumbnails [closed]

I am looking for a way to change the tabledrag into a grid shape. A nice looking solution for drag-and-drop uploading files and sorting them in a way that jquery sortable does. It should end up to be ...
duru's user avatar
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How to find if file was successfully uploaded to webform

I am using the file field in webform, I would like to check if the file was successfully uploaded. I was using .onChange But that only means that a file was attempted to be uploaded. How can I be ...
pal4life's user avatar
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Is it possible to append Media's file browser to a certain node type?

I have a certain node type with a canvas on it, allowing users to draw on the node. Basic functionality such as lines are working, but I'd like to allow people to upload images to it as well. Since ...
Neograph734's user avatar
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How to get a list of all javascript files in a directory

Is it possible to get a list of all the javascript files in the libraries directory? So far I have tried using files_scan directory but it's not returning anything: $dir = base_path() . 'sites/all/...
RobotEyes's user avatar
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Modal Popup for Vimeo when clicking on Vimeo Thumbnail Link [closed]

I have a basic link field and in this link field I just have a vimeo/youtube link. What are some of the available modules that can give the functionality of: Render the display of the video link with ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
5 votes
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How to attach Dropzone.js uploads to a form element

I'm integrating dropzone.js into my form, but I have an issue regarding my file uploads. I have my dropzone set up, and file uploads are in the $_FILES array. I want to call file_save_upload to ...
vintorg's user avatar
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4 answers

How to use a block as a field?

I'm working with this module which is providing me a block for uploading the file as mentioned in the doc Is there a way, where I can use this block as a ...
Rishi Kulshreshtha's user avatar
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Webforms Ajax File Upload Issue with IE7 and IE8

The file upload fields in my webform work everywhere except IE7 and IE8. When I click the upload button I get a js alert that says the following "An error has occurred while attempting to process /...
Emanegux's user avatar
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how to load Ckeditor with IMCE file browser through javascript

I have installed CKeditor and IMCE modules for Drupal7. Now when i click on a button in my page, i want to load the ckeditor with IMCE support (File browser option). How to achieve this with ...
shasi kanth's user avatar
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Why extended behavior doesn't work when JS compression is on?

Because old messages with errors doesn't disappear after next, success upload, I want to remove them by this method. JS file in custom module: (function ($) { /** * Attach behaviors to the ...
Codium's user avatar
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How to view PDF files in a modal/overlay

I have pdf (managed) files on the server that I want users to view in a modal. This will be part of a module I'm creating. There are a couple of modules that help with this, but I haven't found a good ...
Whiskey's user avatar
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How can I show video and images in slideshow with lightbox style?

I need to combine pictures and videos to come out in one Slideshow and when they click on an image or video is displayed in a lightbox. (I have only a 1 video) Currently, video I have them separately ...
Dvex's user avatar
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How do I use the Video module with Colorbox?

I am using the Video module, and I want to show videos on Colorbox. I have also found a patch for that, but I don't understand something. I am using the most recent versions. Colorbox: 7.x-2.3 Video:...
Alexander's user avatar
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How to debug IMCE javascript problem

I have a D7 site with CKEditor + IMCE. The main site ( IMCE works as expected. My staging site (cloned w/ Backup & Migrate) ( IMCE javascript is not working ...
Colin's user avatar
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PDF file open new tab

I'm using Drupal 7. My theme Omega. And have got file field in my site. Uploaded all pdf files and everything working. But, when i click pdf files on Firefox, my pdf file starting download. When i ...
Karmacoma's user avatar
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Is there a module that allows me to add files via ajax to a body field?

I am using Drupal 7. I am looking for a module that allows users to drag and drop files (images/video/audio) inline into a body field with something like jQuery UI sortable. I would ideally like the ...
oobie11's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

Get this jQuery Youtube Playlist working?

Drupal 7. I'm trying to get this to work - seems simple enough. I added the .js file through my theme's .info file, and it's picking that up. I selected "Full HTML" as the format for my block, and ...
Mike's user avatar
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WYSIWYG error when using managed_file and AJAX

I have a form that has both a managed_file element and a text_format element. Both are encapsulated in a wrapper div (using #prefix and #suffix). On submit, an AJAX callback is executed and both ...
Bart's user avatar
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Can't Remove Image from CCK File Field when editing node (Throbber just spins)

I was able to upload an image, but the thumbnail didn't appear until I hit save on the form. When I try to remove the image, it just sits there spinning the throbber; if I click on "Save" in the form,...
Arosboro's user avatar
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