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1 answer

How to remove "Submitted By" data from google search engines in drupal7?

How can I prevent showing of Submitted by username information on google search result pages. I looked into some of the answers but I am not sure those solutions will remove from google search. I am ...
Suraj's user avatar
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3 votes
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How to display the user registration or profile field on the search page?

How can I render/display user profile or registration field on search result page (user search)?
Adeel Nawaz's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to display the user picture on the search page?

I want to show the user picture on the search page. Currently only its show the user email or name, but I want to show the user profile picture. How can I do that? Note: the search page is about the ...
Adeel Nawaz's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Change appearance of search form [closed]

I want to change the appearance of the Drupal 7 search form. I used this code in my file for my Omega subtheme. It didn't work. How do I assign html classes to divs within the ...
user55305's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to redirect search result page in drupal

Here, I am working in drupal Commons plugin. I already customized search form in that drupal header.Here i include modify search form in custom theme: function mytheme_form_alter(&$form, &$...
VIVEK-MDU's user avatar
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1 answer

Search bar in main menu

I would like to place the search bar in the main menu on the right. I have seen several people on the net asking for this but never encountered some information I could actually use. I use Drupal 7 ...
Largo's user avatar
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1 answer

Theming / modifying the markup of default search block form

I'm trying to modify the basic search block form that comes with Drupal 7 core. I have a custom theme and inside my templates folder I copied the search-block-form.tpl.php and modified it like so <...
suomiton's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

How to set the property $label_hidden to be true

In the field.tpl.php the following code: <div class="<?php print $classes; ?>"<?php print $attributes; ?>> <?php if (!$label_hidden): ?> <div class="field-label"<?...
SaidbakR's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Adding Search to Responsive Menu Module

I'm trying to set up responsive menu module ( and add an advanced search inside of it. I've been unable to get the advanced search to show up in the ...
fenderbender's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Insert block content into the $content variable to be indexed by search

I have a block that is generated by a view. It brings in the author's name and other information for the specific node that is being viewed. The problem is that the block data is not indexed by ...
jsheffers's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

showing an image field from solr index on custom solr search page

I use the Apache Solr Views module to create a View that displays only items from a specific content type. I would like to include an image as well on the view. I managed to get the images on my site ...
Gerben Zaagsma's user avatar
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1 answer

Search template suggestions from a module

I have created a custom search module that integrates with Drupal 7 Search Interface. My module is called history_search and in the module I have two files: history_search.module and history_search....
rkrv.'s user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Change drupal search result count

Drupal search is giving 10 items per page. The number is hard coded in search core module. Is there any way to make it 15?. I am using drupal 6.
praji's user avatar
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1 answer

Search template page in Drupal 7

In search results page, the search form and search results are in the content area. Can we insert another block between the search form and results list? Or adjust the order for example put "...
Pandaski's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Update no results search text

I want to change the default search help text 'Check if your spelling is correct. Remove quotes...' that is displayed when there are no results. What's the best method of practice for this? Should I ...
Scott Lawrence's user avatar
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2 answers

How do I add custom CSS to individual pages?

Im trying to create pages with a search bar in a specific non block area in Drupal 7. If I edit using Live CSS (or another module), it edits all my pages, and offsets the content I created. I need a ...
aaronStarK's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

No Search form for custom theme

I am creating my first theme. I don't see the "Search form" block under structure>block for my theme. It is present for other themes. I am not sure what I am doing wrong. Should I put something ...
ryy's user avatar
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2 answers

Issue with the pagination in a custom template

I'm working in Drupal 7. I have an issue with the search results: I have many records, and only one page with 10 results is generated. If I do a search that have many results (e.g. 50 results) I ...
cabita's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Remove or hide the submit button on search block in Drupal 7

I need to do some custom theming on the search block in Drupal 7. Specifically, I need to add a class to the submit button that makes it invisible and removes it from the content flow. So: <div ...
Lester Peabody's user avatar
3 votes
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How do I render a node returned by the Drupal search module?

I'm using Drupal 7 to build a fairly simple directory site. I'm trying to theme my search results page the same as a taxonomy page, but as you may know, the results arrive by a completely different ...
Isaac Lubow's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

What is the difference between template_preprocess_search_result() and template_preprocess_search_results()?

I am seeing 2 functions like template_preprocess_search_result() and template_preprocess_search_results() in Drupal 7. I just got confused on which function I should use when modifying my search ...
Hacker's user avatar
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drupal multisite

I already have a Drupal 7 website. I want to extend it to a second one. The first one is stored in a subfolder. I want to create a second subfolder to store the second one. At the base I will have an ...
user66734's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Inserting search terms into a search input in Drupal 7

When using Drupal 7, how do I print the current search terms into a search form in a block? In Drupal 6, I used something like this in my template.php: $vars['search_keys'] = search_get_keys(); ...
Daniel Nitsche's user avatar