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1 answer

How to associate the last image from gallery to user's profile picture

In Drupal 7 (Commons 7.x-3.46). I've created a new content type, by which each user can upload images and build a personal picture-gallery. How can I now associate the last-uploaded-image to the ...
dnoncoder's user avatar
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1 answer

Rating for all images in a singular node?

Setting up a private gallery for a photographer, so that their clients may log in, see images specific to a certain photoshoot, and check a box, or click a star to favorite different images. Any ideas ...
Philip Stier's user avatar
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1 answer

How to make user picture editable without opening edit profile page?

I wanted to allow users to edit profile without going to edit profile page. I found few useful modules like Editable field and Editable fields as link. These modules provide field formatter which make ...
Umair's user avatar
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3 answers

How to give access to the files of node for individual users?

In my website I have these modules enabled: File Entity (fieldable files), Media, Rules, Entity reference. The default download method is: Private local files served by Drupal. So when userA upload ...
OnengLar's user avatar
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Different way for users to add content on pages

On my website each user can only edit the existing main content via the 'edit' button on the page. I don't want each user to see what was added previously on the page like it happens on my website: ...
testing1's user avatar
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3 answers

Display particular Image Style for image based on Role of User?

Using ImageCache Actions there are 2 different Image Styles - e.g. S1 and S2. What needs to happen: User A has Role Y and when s/he views a node/user profile should always be presented with S1 ...
penname's user avatar
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2 answers

Limit the number of uploads per image field depending of role

I need a hook (or something similar) where I can set the number of image uploads depending of the role of the user. In the settings of the field there is no way to set the maximum number of values ...
user avatar
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upload image by user and display images in her/his profile if admin accept uploaded image to display

I want the users to add their images; the administrator should be able to accept the images, which would then be visible on the user profiles. I create the gallery using the help from https://www....
user3824869's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

User profile image update from a popup window

Is there a way to make the user profile image updated using overlay window from different page other than /user/edit
Ahmed AlQahtani's user avatar
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1 answer

List of images with checkbox (user registration)

This is what I would like to do: When a user registers on the website they have to give in if some options like for example if they are politically engaged, professionally engaged, an expert, ... . ...
nielsv's user avatar
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1 answer

Programmtically add image to custom image field User

I can't figure out how to add image to a custom image field on a sepcific user. $f = file_save_data($user['thumbnailphoto'][0], 'private://profile/'. $data['name'] .'.jpg', FILE_EXISTS_REPLACE); ...
mgoubert's user avatar
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2 answers

Change user picture via services 3

I'm update user profile data via services 3 but I have a problem with user picture. I send user picture to my web site via services and it works: {"fid":"1078","uri":"http://MyDomain/rest/file/1078"}...
ZioBudda's user avatar
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2 answers

only allow to upload profile pictures of a certain size

I want to limit the user to only upload profile pictures of 160x160 size. What is the simplest way to validate that the resolution of uploaded avatar picture is actually 160x160, and provide an error ...
Druvision's user avatar
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4 answers

Make the user avatar picture mandatory

In Drupal 7 is it please possible to enforce all new users to upload an avatar picture during the registration process? I.e. how to make the user picture field mandatory? When I try to edit the ...
Alexander Farber's user avatar
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Programmatically edit an image form field on a user account

I have added an image field to user accounts using the "Manage Fields" user interface. I am trying to make a form that users can use to change their picture. Below is some code I have tried. In it, ...
Joe_Smith's user avatar
-1 votes
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Views is not linking images to content for anonymous users in Commerce Kickstart

I'm having this problem: I'm using Commerce Kickstart 7.x-1.19 (also tryed on 2.x) and I'm trying to create a simple view to replace my homepage with a list of products, set the relation to the ...
Krlos's user avatar
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0 answers

Images not appearing properly when migrated from web server to local

I copied all the files from my web-server to my local-host. Then i imported the databases as well. All functionality on the site works perfectly, but most of the images are breaking. I tried opening ...
user145078's user avatar
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2 answers

give node author ability to position the image when uploading content

I have a field of type image "COVER IMAGE" in my blog entry content type. The users should have the power to place it wherever they, down,right or left, if not more and re size it. right ...
why's user avatar
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2 answers

Image styles to make all user inserted images appear as circles

Users can insert images on my site...i want that all of them are displayed in a similar fashion. So i created a new style under Image Styles. However, how can i make sure that all images appear as ...
why's user avatar
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Implement Gravatar in Drupal 7 using php - how to connect mail addresses to “$email” variable

Gravatar has a description of its php implementation on the following page: I'm trying to use this code to implement it in Drupal's user profiles ...
take2's user avatar
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1 answer

How do I upload an image to the public:// directory?

Is it possible to upload the picture and set it as user picture? User picture can be set via $user->picture = $file->fid; user_save($user);but how do I upload the file from a URL to the public:/...
Luciuz's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Can't get the author's picture printed onto a node in Drupal 7

After reading the documentation, it seems that the correct way of doing that is like this: php print $user_picture; It won't work (it doesn't print anything at all). Afetr asking around, I get this ...
Rosamunda's user avatar
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How to add user picture to created node?

User image has to be added to created node. So when user creates node user image has to automatically be added to it. How it can be accomplished?
Igor Flysta's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

custom user page image field crashes when uploading, removing image

I am loading user form with this code $account = user_load($user->uid); module_load_include('inc', 'user', 'user.pages'); $userform = drupal_get_form('user_profile_form', $account); ...
werqious's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

How do you include a user's default image in a Drupal 7 view that lists people?

I have a view in Drupal 7 that lists people (users). It shows the username and the standard user picture field. If a user has a set image, it comes through perfectly. However, for users that didn't ...
Justin's user avatar
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How can I display a picture from a field as the user picture rather than the drupal default with user-picture.tpl.php?

Because my site requires user pictures to be approved, the default Drupal user picture is not suitable. Instead, I want to show a picture from a field in each user's profile as the user's profile ...
Patrick Kenny's user avatar
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permisssions set to 755 - image upload is not possible - in drupal-commons 6x 24.

hello and good day hope you are all well! newest update: Now i have created a second installation with partly other conditions:(haviing permissions 755 with user vhost: www on /home/vhost/WWW/...
zero's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Noob question about private files and Content Access

This is almost certainly a really stupid question, but the Drupal 7 site we're building has an image gallery that users can upload content to. Unauthenticated users should not be able to see these ...
Owen Blacker's user avatar
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Hide user pictures from guests and web crawlers

I'm using Drupal 7 with Blog and Comments and user pictures enabled. The theme is Bartik. The user pictures are also used in the Flash game that is embedded in my website, so I can't just turn them ...
Alexander Farber's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How can I display a user avatar in Drupal 7?

I'd like to know how to display a user avatar in Drupal 7. I want to display the avatar in full size, and as thumbnail.
Alexey's user avatar
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1 answer

Multiple user avatars

I'm looking at putting together a Drupal 7 installation for a community website. One of the features of the website will actually be in specific user profiles, which will double as "About" pages in a ...
John Riley's user avatar