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How to restrict access to page by URL depending on which page you came from

I have page which implements by hook_menu and i want to permit access for this page if user come from certain form but not from just url string. How can i solve it? Thanks.
godi4e's user avatar
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drupal /?q=user is working but /user not working

I have recently moved my files from dev server to test server. same setting and db of dev server were copied to test server. In dev server all is working fine but when I have am checking in test sever ...
Hitesh's user avatar
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3 answers

What's the relative path to a user's profile?

I've created a clickable block with Views and rewrote the fields with HTML like this: <a href="user"> some divs... </a> Clicking the block should refer the logged-in user to his/her ...
Jeroen's user avatar
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How do I pass a value from the url to a custom field in the registration form?

I know variations of this question have been asked but I haven't found any with this specific set of characteristics. Also, the only programming language I know is python. I don't know PHP at all. I ...
655321's user avatar
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Profile2, url rewrite

How do I create a path like this FULL_NAME is a Profile2 field. With pathauto you cannot modify profile2 entity.
Tyler Durden's user avatar
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Drupal 7 on new Linode stack, POST/GETS 404ing but pages still loading?

I'm trying to migrate a site to a new linode environment, and my website has made the journey with the exception(s) that: I cannot login at /user/login, console shows 404s when submitting credentials ...
AT Design's user avatar
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“Realname” module is not creating “pretty URLs” for new users?

I’m working on a site which I’ve taken over the development from a former employee. He has installed the module realname which, as I understand, should enable the function that a user URL is not the ...
Mestika's user avatar
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4 answers

User URLs based on the usernames

Is there a module that changes the user URL from "user/1" to "user/username"?
Mythrillic's user avatar
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How a anonymous user can view profile of authenticated user

How to see a profile of registered user by a anonymous user. exampel : someuser2 when an administrator clicks any username or someuser2 it displays in this format in url on browser http://mydomain/...
Rafee's user avatar
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Having username as a path - Profiles 2 and Pathauto

I have a problem with integrating the Pathauto and Profiles modules. Basically, I would like to have the username as URL, e.g. This should link to the profile page (not the ...
Vonder's user avatar
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