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PHPStan 2/bleeding edge: PHPDoc tag @var with type UserBundle is not subtype of type Drupal\user\UserInterface

I am trying to get ready for PHPStan 2 by turning on the bleeding edge features in includes: # - phar://phpstan.phar/conf/...
Patrick Kenny's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to use Drupal rector to get started converting annotations to attributes?

Drupal Rector has a rule for converting annotations to attributes. I wanted to run this rule on a local repo of the Key module to get started adding attributes. So I installed Drupal Rector (composer ...
Patrick Kenny's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Is it ok for a plugin to extend a class in some other module without declaring the other module as a dependency?

I have a module with a few helpful services and field formatters. I have one field formatter that applies only to entity_reference_revisions fields and, as a result, "uses" and "extends&...
sonfd's user avatar
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-3 votes
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How to reference a class with a use statement? [closed]

Inside a function in a controller class, I have the following: $form_state = new \Drupal\Core\Form\FormState(); It works, and produces a new instance of a FormState. Codesniffer is not happy with ...
Free Radical's user avatar
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phpcs: How to ignore Drupal's 80 char line length limit

I want to use PHP CodeSniffer with the default Drupal and DrupalPractice rulesets to check my custom modules. But I definitly don't want the 80 char line length limit, and phpcs is spamming the report ...
Hudri's user avatar
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"Missing class doc comment" when using attribute on class

I recently updated PHP from 8.1 to 8.2. This resulted in a bunch of deprecation notices about use of dynamic properties in PHPUnit tests. So, based on the docs, I added the AllowDynamicProperties ...
Patrick Kenny's user avatar
1 vote
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How do I document union type variables?

My module has a class with a union type member variable /** * This is a PHPv8 union type variable that can be a string OR null. * * @var string|null */ protected string|null $myVar; However, when ...
Hudri's user avatar
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How to override the typehint for entityTypeManager with a more specific one?

I'm often frustrated by entityTypeManager because when I load entities, the typehint for the return value of the load methods is EntityInterface, but I want it to be a more specific interface (which I ...
Patrick Kenny's user avatar
3 votes
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Array type hints conflict between Drupal and Symfony

In an event subscriber, I have: /** * Registers the methods in this class that should be listeners. * * @return array * An array of event listener definitions. */ public static ...
Patrick Kenny's user avatar
1 vote
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Interfaces for entities? [closed]

The Drupal code standards explains that I should use interfaces. And I always did that. But I never understood why. because it allows more flexibility in extending code later Why does an interface ...
user6329530's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

PSR12, Drupal or DrupalPractice?

I want to respect coding standard in my new Drupal projects (for Drupal 8 and Drupal 9). Using phpcs and phpcbf, I am wondering if I should use PSR12, Drupal, or DrupalPractice coding standards.
lchabrand's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Does a third-party module need to implement hook_help()?

After having spent hours reading through (very old) coding standards and best practices threads on, and even trying to revive the Contrib Development Best Practices group on groups.drupal....
Mario Steinitz's user avatar
0 votes
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Dependecies prefix coding standard

Running phpcs --standard=DrupalPractice in several modules *.info.yml file I get a warning message: All dependencies must be prefixed with the project name I've seen some modules that use the ...
jorgetutor's user avatar
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Where to place the utility and internal functions for a custom module? [duplicate]

I have a custom module with some utility (can be used for other modules) and internal (can be used only for the module) functions inside, so I decide to place this functions in another file. But ...
Adrian Cid Almaguer's user avatar
4 votes
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When to use a php function vs a drupal_ equivalent function?

I come from update my Coder module to the v1.3 and when I go to check one custom module I see the following message: Line 71: in most cases, replace the string function with the drupal_ ...
Adrian Cid Almaguer's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Are there any naming conventions for helper functions in modules?

I'm writing a module and I need to create an auxiliary (helper) function, but I don't know which is the best name to my function. Should I name my function like: function _MODULE_my_function or: ...
Adrian Cid Almaguer's user avatar
-3 votes
2 answers

Is my code valid and how does it relate to the coding standards?

How does the below piece of code relate to the Drupal coding standards? Notice that this function is not returning anything. $a = foo(); function foo() { // … drupal_func(); } Somebody claims ...
3 votes
2 answers

PHP switch and translations

Given a PHP switch statement, would it be a good (or bad) idea to use t() in case statements? switch ($button_value) { case t('Clear'): // … break; case t('Search'): // … break; }
Jonathan Bergeron's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

How to fix "Hook implementations should not duplicate @param documentation."?

I am using PhpStorm to experiment with cleaning up my code in a custom module. For the following function, I'm getting this warning: Hook implementations should not duplicate @param documentation. ...
Patrick Kenny's user avatar
4 votes
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Where to write public, common, utility functions in Drupal?

At times you have to write little utility functions which will have a general scope (not restricted to the module you are working on) so that it can be called from anywhere in the project. I know I ...
nawfal's user avatar
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Coding standards for long strings?

I've been looking for some official guidelines on how to format long strings in module code, but the closest thing I've found is an ambiguous section on indenting long SQL queries which suggests any ...
morbiD's user avatar
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Why are non-standard file extension used for PHP files?

Is there any reason why Drupal decided to use non-standard file extensions, for example node.install, node.module, simple.profile, case.test? Why doesn't Drupal use .php as extension for PHP files?
Hong Truong's user avatar
1 vote
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/README.txt: UTF-8 Unicode (with BOM) English text, with CRLF line terminators

I have been working on a project and I want to make sure that pass all the coding standards. For some reason I got these problem with the README.txt encoding and I dont know how to solve it....
itsdarrylnorris's user avatar
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Parameter comment must be on the next line at position 1

I review my module code with and it returns an error: Line #94 - ERROR | Parameter comment must be on the next line at position 1 /** * Fetch node object properties. //<--- ...
Zafar Shah Faizi's user avatar
4 votes
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Breaking on to new lines?

If I have a long line of code that exceeds 80 characters, like this: $last_response = '<strong>' . t('Last response: ') . '</strong>' . format_interval((time() - $last), 1) . t(' ago'); ...
dbj44's user avatar
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63 views error, Expected "switch (...) {\n"; found "switch(...) {\n"

In my theme's template.php file, I have a custom function as: function _MYTHEME_content_grid($columns = 1) { $class = FALSE; switch($columns) { // No sidebars, just content. case 1:{ ...
Danny Englander's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Naming conventions for permissions

Looking through the Drupal coding conventions on Coding standards / Naming Conventions, I have seen module, variable, function, and many other areas but not for permission names. Is there any ...
LVDuke's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Can custom module function names contain characters between 7F and FF?

PHP defines valid function names as [a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*. I have already been bitten by Drupal name conflicts when using hook_form_alter clashing with my module name when it ...
Uncle Code Monkey's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Would PHPLint's advice be beneficial to our community?

I recently found this static PHP code analyzer called PHPLint. One of the things it can do, is look at code like this: /** * @return string */ function getText() { return 5; } And complain that ...
Letharion's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

What's the coding standard for class constants?

For general constants, Coding standards / Naming Conventions says that constants should always be all-uppercase, with underscores to separate words and that module-defined constant names should also ...
5 votes
3 answers

Best practice for avoiding module / theme / profile name clashes?

We currently have our code managed such that each site has its own theme and install profile. These have naturally evolved in such a way that the names of these items (and their directories) tend to ...
Parsingphase's user avatar