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Questions tagged [nodejs]

Use it for questions about integrating Drupal with Node, the JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8.

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3 votes
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Correctly configure the JavaScript tools

I am trying to configure eslint for Drupal in PHPStorm, and it's really confusing. For example, I have installed the node dependencies that comes in the web/core/package.json file. In PHPStorm, in the ...
chalo's user avatar
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Integrating websockets server to the database [closed]

I'm running a headless Drupal+Angular application where I want to run a server with some clients using WebSockets (and Ratchet). I managed to make a server script detached from Drupal sending messages ...
NicklasF's user avatar
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2 answers

nodejs server set up

UPDATE: The node.js server is now running correctly at Openshift. The node.js server and the script can now be accessed publicly. Running cron in Drupal, I see that it can also access the ...
p  Ng's user avatar
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1 answer

How to implement Instant Notifications to 'follow' or 'like' nodes?

My employer has a social intranet site with 1000s of users, groups, communities and blogs. Users are free to 'follow' or 'like' nodes, blogs and other users, subscribe to communities, join groups etc. ...
doop_dev's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Refresh page only for flagged node author

I'm trying to refresh page for only the flagged node author with rules and views_nodejs. What is the right rule configuration to make this happen?
khoy's user avatar
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3 answers

Nodejs integration for Chatroom

I am following the Nodejs integration documentation to set up Chatroom, but am a little confused. In step 2, do we cd to the folder of nodejs installation, or the drupal nodejs module? Also, what ...
p  Ng's user avatar
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1 answer

Private Message with node.js issues setting up

I have followed the suggested video tutorials and Im using the node.js watchdog submodule for debugging. That's ...
Anon Ymous's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Limit node.js updates if the view is active

I have a Facebook style news feed view which updates via node.js and rules when new content is created. This all works fine however if one user is in the process of commenting on a node teaser (...
Ed Wilson's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

How to configure node.js module on localhost

I am trying to setup node.js module on my localhost environment. I have tried different configurations but still not found correct way to make it work. In my log messages I get: nodejs.config.js ...
echo's user avatar
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1 answer

drupalchat with nodejs

I need to run drupalchat with nodejs locally but I get error loading the client library (404 not found) nodejs server is running the file exist in that path : sites/all/modules/...
Mohammed Gomma's user avatar