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How to patch core via drush-make when using a stub make file?

When using a stub make file based profile workflow as suggested in Drush Make theory for happy profile development I notice that patches to core are no longer applied.

I've tested this by reverting to a single make file workflow - core patches get applied just fine that way.

Has anyone else found a fix/workaround for this?

UPDATE with details...

Here's what my stub make file looks like:

api = 2
core = 7.x

projects[] = drupal

projects[example_profile][download][type] = "git"
projects[example_profile][download][url] = "[email protected]:danohea/example-profile.git"
projects[example_profile][type] = "profile"

Which as you can see is designed to go grab a custom profile. I should mention that that is not the real path to the profile (which is a private repo anyway).

The profile contains a further make file that looks a bit like this (shortened for convenience):

api = 2
core = 7.x

; Contrib modules (not in dev)

; Specify common subdir of "contrib"
defaults[projects][subdir] = "contrib"

projects[admin_menu][version] = 3
projects[ctools][version] = 1
projects[diff][version] = 3
projects[eck][version] = 2
projects[entity][version] = 1
projects[jquery_update][version] = 3
projects[libraries][version] = 2
projects[link][version] = 1
projects[module_filter][version] = 2
projects[pathauto][version] = 1
projects[token][version] = 1
projects[transliteration][version] = 3
projects[views][version] = 3
; Contrib modules (in dev)

projects[wysiwyg][version] = 2.x-dev
; Keep in dev until this issue makes it to stable:
; Themes

projects[omega][version] = 4
projects[omega][subdir] = "contrib"

; Libraries

; ckeditor
libraries[ckeditor][download][type] = file
libraries[ckeditor][download][url] = 

; Patches

; drupal
; Ignore front end vendor folders to improve directory search performance
projects[drupal][patch][2329453] =

; pathauto
; Merge in pathauto_persist module functionality to prevent losing manual aliases with node_save() calls
projects[pathauto][patch][936222] =

The stub make file is run with a command that looks a bit like this:

drush make --prepare-install path/to/stub.make -y

I'm running Drush version 7.0.0.

Note that there are 2 patches, one for drupal core and one for pathauto. The pathauto one is applied as expected, the drupal one doesn't seem to even run.

If I download & run the profile's make file directly (i.e. not via the stub) then the core patch is applied as expected.

If I move the drupal core patch to the stub make file, it still doesn't run.

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