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Version tags should be used for questions that apply to a version only, not to merely say what version a site is using.

0 votes

Receiving XML Posted data

While I haven't used it for your exact situation, you should take a look at the Services module. The module is rather well documented, and has examples. Creating an endpoint and wiring up your callb …
mpdonadio's user avatar
  • 38.1k
4 votes

Do i need to worry about using deprecated functions in Drupal 8?

This function will remain until 9.0.0 is released, and it will never actually be removed from any 8.x.y version. … Typically, a deprecated function was a placeholder from Drupal 7 while Drupal 8 was being developed that didn't get replaced (eg, format_date()), or left for backwards compatibility as Drupal 8 got refactored …
mpdonadio's user avatar
  • 38.1k
12 votes

What versions from the Symfony components are used from core?

It is more accurate to say that Drupal 8 uses Symfony components, rather than all of Symfony. …
mpdonadio's user avatar
  • 38.1k
7 votes

Why are there several branches at the official documentation (e.g. 8.0.x, 8.1.x)?

Drupal 8 made the switch to semantic versioning, and a shorter release cycle between minor versions. Per release policy, there can be differences between minor versions. … To keep on top of changes in Drupal 8, monitor the list of Change Records or the Twitter account that announces each new one. …
mpdonadio's user avatar
  • 38.1k
2 votes

Is there a standard place 3rd party module pages report what PHP version they're tested on?

There is a route for all modules of the pattern{nid}/qa for showing testing reports. Nightly runs, per-commit runs, and one offs should appear there. For the module you …
mpdonadio's user avatar
  • 38.1k
4 votes

MarkupInterface interoperability with other PHP frameworks

TLDR (this summarizes conclusions from the comments below) The MarkupInterface is available on packagist as part of the drupal/core-render package, which provides all the classes from Drupal\Compone …
mpdonadio's user avatar
  • 38.1k
1 vote

Set datetime timezone when posting data via JSON api

In DateTimeNormalizer, the inferface format is RFC3339, which is Y-m-d\TH:i:sP as an input format string. It also accepts the ISO8601 PHP string, which is Y-m-d\TH:i:sO Try using strings like in you …
mpdonadio's user avatar
  • 38.1k
4 votes

What's the proper way to refer to all the code in `core/lib/Drupal`, or the code in `core/li...

What you describe is correct, when you install Drupal, everything in the 'core' directory is considered the core set of Drupal files, or the bare minimum installation package. The files in 'core/lib' …
mpdonadio's user avatar
  • 38.1k
3 votes

Watchdog file growing out of control

You have a few options here. For the short term, you can disable database logging on /admin/modules/uninstall until you can get the full situation under control. You can disable assertions. Search …
mpdonadio's user avatar
  • 38.1k
3 votes

How can I override or alter a module's help text?

I don't recall doing exactly this, but I think you can use a hook_module_implements_alter() for this: function MYMODULE_module_implements_alter(&$implementations, $hook) { if ($hook === 'help') { …
mpdonadio's user avatar
  • 38.1k
4 votes

Do we really need Blog module in Drupal 7 (and 8)?

I suspect the Blog module exists for people who used it with Drupal 5 and 6, and are upgrading sites. Personally, I never found the blog module of much uses. Typically, clients want something differ …
mpdonadio's user avatar
  • 38.1k
2 votes

Create a mock Form for WebTestBase?

Core provides several examples of this. The basic pattern is to create a test module, and have that module provide the form. In your test ::setUp(), you add the test module to $modules, and then you …
mpdonadio's user avatar
  • 38.1k
6 votes

Use route annotation

AFAIK, Drupal doesn't support any of the Symfony route annotations. The code is present in vendor/, but not used by core. The closest thing is the concept of Entity links, which are part of the Doct …
mpdonadio's user avatar
  • 38.1k
9 votes

How to have recurring date events?

As of 2016/03/04, these are open issues in Drupal 8. See Support for end date and D8: Date repeat feature requests. …
mpdonadio's user avatar
  • 38.1k
5 votes

How do I use Url::setUnrouted() in a custom module?

Url::setUnrouted() is really an internal method used by the URL class. It is used by the static constructor Url::fromUri() when the URI passed as argument isn't a route. In general, you should creat …
mpdonadio's user avatar
  • 38.1k

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