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Fabien Quatravaux
  • Member for 11 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
How can a module detect when the "access denied" page is output?
This one is really the good answer. Just one point to note however : it seems to work only if the page is not cached. If the page has already been accessed before, the drupal_get_http_header('Status') returns NULL.
How can a module detect when the "access denied" page is output?
This one is a big hack but it works : what you are doing is called hijacking. You plug your own code at an earlier point, and then reproduce the core code with a minimal modification.
How can a module detect when the "access denied" page is output?
This is not a good solution for me as this is changing the output, not only detecting the 403.
How to identify where a particular block come from?
Great ! Both methods are OK, thanks. We could probably suggest to nodeblock module developers to add a "Edit node" menu somewhere ...