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Ok, in fact when $variables['theme_hook_suggestions'][] = "block__XXX_YYY"; drupal looks for template file block--XXX-YYY.tpl.php. Strange because I did the same for html template using html--XXX--YYY as suggestion and html--XXX-YYY.tpl.php as template file name without any problem. I will ask a question about that.
Thanks rooby, it is what I was looking for, now I don't understand why drupal is still calling the default block.tpl.php instead of my custom one set in the preprocess function. I'm still debugging to understand that...
@MrUpsidown: rewriting is not an option at least because I need to get/extract the contextual filter values that have been given as parameters to call this view. Then I insert other parameters like computed page number to build the new link for the image.
Yes but how? The function my_theme_preprocess_views_view_field_myviewname(&vars) is called for each fields and I didn't find the field name within "vars".