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amateur barista's user avatar
amateur barista's user avatar
amateur barista's user avatar
amateur barista
  • Member for 13 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
  • New York, NY
2 votes

Token authentication- "The form has become outdated" and rules issues

2 votes

Possible to make admin's flags worth more points?

2 votes

How can I implement a RESTful API in Drupal?

2 votes

Executing a view programmatically with input filters

2 votes

How to format 'node reference' field values from the Views module

2 votes

HIPAA compliance

2 votes

How to name views-exposed-form.tpl.php per views display

2 votes

Building a Views Filter

2 votes

Error when upgrading from 6.22 to 7.8

2 votes

Incorrect URL paths

2 votes

How can I keep the current language prefix for internal link?

2 votes

Panel Pages and Taxonomy Term Arguments

2 votes

Why can I only log in with firefox?

2 votes

Feeds: solution with most frequent/real time/push notification update of feeds (e.g. for twitter tweets)?

2 votes

Is there a way to show a node's comments when displayed in teaser format on the taxonomy term page?

2 votes

Find all contexts in which a block appears

2 votes

Export Apache Solr enabled facet settings

1 vote

Views Slideshow Using Absolute Path to Images

1 vote

Error in file_save()

1 vote

How to allow a role to block other users?

1 vote

How can I create two distinct sets of exposed filters for use in a single view?

1 vote

User submitted content in drupal (Drupal Noobie)

1 vote

Drupal 7 AJAX disables my callback

1 vote

Override node title validation

1 vote

Using hook_theme_registry_alter to only modify specific pages instead of all pages

1 vote

Why is an integer variable in PHP interpreted as a string literal when passed from Drupal to JavaScript via Drupal.settings?

1 vote

How to integrate custom code into a "Features" feature

1 vote

Custom template suggestion

1 vote

Cannot save any modules

1 vote

Import an Image Folder into one Image Field