I have node golosuizaprognoz_lenta with hidden field argument-lenta, node golosuizaprognoz with field field_argument, view of table with Rating wiget:
The node have title with date, for example 21/06/14 Голосуй за прогноз!!!
I need that in node was view only with date equal date in title.
What I have done:
I add to node golosuizaprognoz_lenta hidden field argument-lenta where I add url of result node, for example 210614-golosuy-za-prognoz.
I make EVA display:
with contextual filter:
when I insert content of field field_argument wich equal of url node golosuizaprognoz_lenta , for example all OK, I get what I want, but in node I have no this view (without contectual filters view is shown so I attached it).
How I need to fit contextual filters that in node I will see only views with content wich have field field_argument wich equal of url node golosuizaprognoz_lenta.