parent: system.admin_content route handles /admin/content path. I'm trying to add more items to the menu tabs visible on that page.


So I'm doing this:

# test.routing.yml
  path: '/admin/content/test_entity'
    _entity_list: 'test_entity'
    _title: 'Test entities'
    _permission: 'administer content types'

# test.links.menu.yml
  title: Test entities
  route_name: entity.admin.test
  # I have also tried using route defined in my entity type annotation
  # route_name: entity.test_entity.collection
  parent: system.admin_content
  description: 'List and edit site test entities.'

The route works (I can access page at /admin/content/test_entity), but menu item is not displayed. If I change parent to for example system.admin_structutre then the menu item is shown on /admin/structure list without problems.

  • do u want it to appear on the admin main page or within the content options ?? @Silicon Commented May 11, 2016 at 19:11
  • @make-me-alive I want it to appear as a tab on /admin/content page next to "Content" and "Files" tabs as shown on the image that I've attached. Commented May 12, 2016 at 9:55

1 Answer 1


Dont use test.links.menu.yml instead use test.links.task.yml

in test.links.task.yml try the below code...

  title: 'Test entities'
  route_name: entity.admin.test
  description: 'List and edit site test entities.'
  base_route: system.admin_content

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