I can not find my vviews templates, where are they? In my /modules/ I don't have a views sub dir and in /sites/all/themes/modules I have a sub dir called views_php which doesn't seem to contain the view templates either.. where do I find these files?

edit 1

My directory structure looks something like this:


In my db there is some content in tables drupal_viws_display and drupal_views_view and a drupal_cache_viws and drupal_cache_views_data also exists - with content.

edit 2

I downloaded the whole ftp directory and tried to find my Views templates:

$ find . -name "*view**.tpl*"


3 Answers 3


Doesn't sound like you have the views module installed. Views_php is a different module.

The modules page (example.com/admin/modules) should tell you whether you have Views installed and enabled. If you don't see Views (just "Views") in the list, then you don't have it installed. If that's the case, head over to https://drupal.org/project/views, download and untar/unzip the appropriate version into your sites/all/modules (or sites/default/modules) directory. Go back to the modules page and enable it.

If all else fails, why not do a file system search for 'views.module' ?

  • I have Views installed! I have created my own Views under admin/structure/views and in admin/modules Views shos up, installed and enabled just fine! As for the file system search, I'm connected to a remote host (GoDaddy) by ftp only.
    – stdcerr
    Commented Jan 24, 2014 at 15:13
  • When you ran the query suggested by RajeevK, are you absolutely sure you were using the right DB? If you have views installed, that query should return something. The only places a module can be is (1) sites/default/modules (or a subdir of that), (2) sites/all/modules (or a subdir of that), or (3) modules directory at the root of the site (which is really the wrong place for it, but should still work). Commented Jan 24, 2014 at 15:27
  • As a last resort, why not download the entire site via FTP and do a filesystem search on your own machine? If that doesn't yield anything, then the site you're looking at via FTP is not the one you're working with via the UI. :-) Commented Jan 24, 2014 at 15:30
  • I'm doing just what you suggested lastm, I can't believe it but Views is instaaled and enabled and I'm using it on my site - works just fine but contents can't be found... yet! - let's see!
    – stdcerr
    Commented Jan 25, 2014 at 6:55

First ensure you have views enabled from the list of module.


You can find all views related templates in the theme directory inside views module. Proper location --


In your case it's location is



I realized that views I was using wasn't the real views but rather part of ecommerce-kickstart which I have uninstalled in the meantime and that forced me to re-install Views which also gave me access to all the templates

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