The module "commerce_checkout_buttons" alters the buttons in the commerce checkout process as seen below in using HOOK_form_alter. In this code, only the review form is being altered, but the changes seem to be global in the checkout process?
For example, the site I'm working with has a one-page checkout, and the Review pane doesn't include anything. Yet, the buttons are altered.
Can anyone explain how this works?
function commerce_checkout_buttons_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
switch ($form_id) {
case 'commerce_checkout_form_checkout':
case 'commerce_checkout_form_shipping':
case 'commerce_checkout_form_review':
if (isset($form['buttons']['back']['#value'])) {
$form['buttons']['back']['#value'] = t('Back');
if (isset($form['buttons']['continue']['#value'])) {
$form['buttons']['continue']['#value'] = t('Continue');
if (isset($form['buttons']['back']['#prefix'])) {
if (isset($form['buttons']['cancel']['#prefix'])) {