I am using a Zen subtheme with Sass. I am using CodeKit to compile the Sass into CSS. In my workflow, I enjoy using CodeKit's visual system for project settings because then I can use autoprefixer and souremaps etc easily.
Zen comes with Compass support out of the box. In CodeKit, settings for the styles.scss file is disabled, saying "To change options & output paths for Sass files in a Compass project, you must edit the Compass 'config.rb' file directly."
I could find no way to edit the file to make it behave the way I want, so I want to disable Compass completely.
I tried deleting the lines which seemed related with Compass from the sass files, deleting the config.rb but there seems to be a setting somewhere which I cannot find. I checked out the project settigns in CodeKit but could not find a 'switch' to turn Compass off.
In short, how can I take Compass out of Zen's css system and use CodeKit to fine tune the compile settings?