Is it necessary to write all the mobile app's own html files for displaying Drupal configured Blocks / Pages / Views? I was hoping I could just rebuild my primary Navigation menus using the DrupalGap settings.php
files or hook_menu, but leave the callbacks to just inject the return HTML?
For example...
drupalgap.settings.menus['user_menu_standard'] = {
title: 'A Title',
path: '/some-content-type',
options: {
attributes: {
'data-theme': 'b'
function my_module_menu() {
var items = {};
items['airlines'] = {
title: 'airlines',
page_callback: 'my_module_airlines_page'
return items;
// No mobile dedicated html file necessary. I essentially want a webview with a phonegap native menu.
function my_module_airlines_page(html) {
div.innerHTML = html;
Is this - or something similar - possible to automatically reuse the Drupal's front-end within DrupalGap?