I want to build a restful service to communicate with my Android app.

  • System: Drupal Commons with Drupal 6
  • Module for restful service: DrupalGap
  • Test tool: Poster plugin for Firefox

I do everything like in the tutorial from Tyler, but I got my login screen as HTML, instead of correct login; I can't get the system connect states as anonymous user. If I am already logged in so the login functionality says "you alread logged in" and the system connect state shows correct data.
The Views module has a setting to enable "Views API Mode" to wrap JSON in HTML, but this setting is disabled and so this can't be problem.

Does anybody know a solution for my problem?

If I follow the installation instructions for DrupalGap on a fresh Drupal 6 site, everything works out of the box. I can also access the DrupalGap demo site.

1 Answer 1


We found the solution for our problem. Under admin -> settings -> commons uncheck the box "Force users to login". Now it is possible to get json responses from connect and login actions.

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