My users have an image field, called 'Avatar', that's displayed as an icon. I can easily add it to the users' profile page in the content section, but now I'd like to show it next to the title (the default one prints the username).

Title on the profile page.

As I didn't try to do this before, I surfed around the internet for a while. It seems that lots of similar requests were solved by a template file. Therefore, my plan was to add a user-profile.tpl.php, copy all the code from page.tpl.php to it and add

print render($user_profile['field_avatar']);

before the title.

I'm not sure whether this might work. Is this a good approach?


3 Answers 3


The use of the template is solid guess. However, you're using the wrong template. The template you suggesting isn't based on the page.tpl.php page. The output of the user-profile.tpl.php page, will end up in the $content section of your page template. You should try to use a different approach.

How about a preprocess function? It will intercept the rendering of the variables and by so, you can alter them. If you want to change the title of your user-profile page, I'ld go with something like this:

 * Implements hook_process_page().
function mymodule_process_page(&$vars, $hook) {
  // Load the global user object
  global $user;

  // Check if it's the userpage and the current user, depending on URL
  if ((arg(0) === 'user') && (arg(1) === $user->uid)) {
      $vars['title'] .= ' ' . $user->avatar[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['value'];

Above preprocess function should be placed in your preprocess folder of your theme or the template.php.
It will extend the existing title with your extra fieldvalue.

There is only one drawback on this implementation. If you have a page with a path like /user/overview, the title will change too. Every URL with user as first argument and a UID as second, will be altered...


EDIT: Try this please and let me know how it went:

  * Implements hook_process_page().
function mymodule_process_page(&$vars, $hook) {
    // Load the global user object
    global $user;

    $image = array(
      '#theme'  => 'image',
      '#path'   => file_create_url($user->field_avatar[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['uri']),
      '#width'  => 20,
      '#height' => 20,

    if ((arg(0) === 'user') && (arg(1) === $user->uid)) {
      $vars['title'] = render($image) . $vars['title'];
  • Thanks for your answer, Michiel! I've added your code to my theme's template.php file, but it returns three errors: $field_avatar (I changed the field name to the correct one), 'variable' and 'title' are undefined. What's going wrong?
    – Jeroen
    Commented Jun 14, 2014 at 12:47
  • Most likely a typo in the declaration of your variables. Can you provide a pastebin with some of your code?
    – Michiel
    Commented Jun 15, 2014 at 16:38
  • Do you mean I should provide the values for 'user' and 'title'? The image should be added to every profile page and the title should stay the same. Is this what your code does? I don't fully understand it, because I've never used hook_process_page before.
    – Jeroen
    Commented Jun 16, 2014 at 8:16
  • So, you want to render an image before the title? And on every user page?
    – Michiel
    Commented Jun 16, 2014 at 9:19
  • Can you provide a dpm of your user object in your question or via pastebin? I'll try my best to get you started!
    – Michiel
    Commented Jun 16, 2014 at 9:28

Greatly thanks to @Michiel, I've been able to get this working with the following code:

function MYMODULE_process_page(&$vars, $hook) {
 if(arg(0) == 'user'){
  $user = user_load(arg(1));
  $image = array(
   '#theme'  => 'image',
   '#path'   => file_create_url($user->field_avatar['und'][0]['uri']),
   '#attributes' => array('class' => 'avatar_title'),

  $vars['title'] = render($image) . $vars['title'];

It's important not to use global $user instead of user_load(arg(1)), because the custom user fields aren't loaded in the first case (see: http://davidsonj.com/blog/global-user-vs-userload). Therefore, you'll get the error that field_avatar is undefined.

Thanks to the avatar_title CSS class, you can theme the image any further to your needs.


I'm pretty sure the file to copy is modules/user/user-profile.tpl.php and put it in your theme folder https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/modules%21user%21user-profile.tpl.php/7 and make the changes in that.

  • When I first read this answer I thought that was the correct file indeed, but now that I've opened it, it only contains the code print render($user_profile);. That doesn't help me any further...
    – Jeroen
    Commented May 20, 2014 at 19:59

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