I'm a Drupal procedural programmer new to OOP and enjoying it, so some of the techniques are new to me.

I'm getting a fatal error when I'm calling a standard drupal function from within code called within an object that creates a custom Rule. It appears that it's looking for the function drupal_json_encode_helper on the Action object rather than from where it's supposed to look. But why? And how to I tell it to search within Drupal-land rather than object-land?

I'm on D7 with xautoload and composer, modifying the fluxdropbox module that uses fluxservices to use PSR-0 for external libraries.

"Fatal error: Call to undefined function Drupal\fluxdropbox\Plugin\Rules\Action\drupal_json_encode_helper()"

Here's the code:


 * @file
 * Contains MakeNodes.

namespace Drupal\fluxdropbox\Plugin\Rules\Action;

use Drupal\fluxdropbox\Plugin\Service\DropboxAccountInterface;
use Drupal\fluxdropbox\Rules\RulesPluginHandlerBase;

 * Action for posting a status message on a page.
class MakeNodes extends RulesPluginHandlerBase implements \RulesActionHandlerInterface {

   * Defines the action.
  public static function getInfo() {
    return static::getInfoDefaults() + array(
      'name' => 'fluxdropbox_make_nodes',
      'label' => t('Make Nodes from Text Fiels'),
      'parameter' => array(
        'account' => static::getAccountParameterInfo(),

   * Executes the action.
  public function execute(DropboxAccountInterface $account) {
            //here I build a nice array
            file_put_contents(drupal_json_encode_helper($feed_array), $path . '/novel.txt');

  • Is this for D7 or D8? Any reason not to use the standard Rules hooks? e.g hook_rules_action_info etc.. Commented May 25, 2014 at 23:05
  • It's D7 code that uses xautoload. I'm copying another module's code. Everything works and it would be a pain to re-write it, I'm just hitting this one error related to autoloading. Commented May 26, 2014 at 0:39
  • Just saying, xautoload (and autoload in general) does not help you with procedural code.
    – donquixote
    Commented Jun 13, 2014 at 10:57

2 Answers 2


It happens because drupal_json_encode() is defined in includes/json-encode.inc, which is not a file that is normally included when Drupal boots. To use that function, you should use code similar to the one drupal_json_encode() uses, although you really should use drupal_json_encode().

include_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/json-encode.inc';
file_put_contents(drupal_json_encode_helper($feed_array), $path . '/novel.txt');

The code I would use is the following one.

file_put_contents(drupal_json_encode($feed_array), $path . '/novel.txt');
  • Yep, this was it. Figured this out, actually. The objective-ness of the error had me confused. Commented May 26, 2014 at 21:47

OK, if you change your code from

file_put_contents(drupal_json_encode_helper($feed_array), $path . '/novel.txt');


file_put_contents(drupal_json_encode($feed_array), $path . '/novel.txt');

The correct file will be included for json encoding.

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