I want create a view for display a list of contents. (same type) (its my first fully custom view x) )
I want display the view like this :
//form : the user select a Date field, its an exposed filter field
COLUMN1 COLUMN2_sortable
content_title0 "special_value0"
content_title1 "special_value1"
content_title2 "special_value2"
content_titleN "special_valueN"
First, can you tell me a good web tutorial for learn to create a fully custom view (so, create the user select form (contain exopsed filter) , the content of the view). After several google search, I difficulty finding a good guide...
Second, the COLUMN2_sortable contain a integer data. And this data is calculed via an another custom module (this value depends on the date entered in the exposed filter field). I have no ideas how add a custom column (here, the COLUMN2_sortable) in my view. Because this is my first try in fully creating of view, can you advise me about the good way for implement that ?