Suppose, I've two entities:


A user creates an entityA and has the option of creating multiple types of entityB referenced from a single entityA. For example, a parent-child relationship. Parent being entityA and child being entityB.

In the module, I want the users to select an entityA object, go to a new page page for creating entityB. So, at this point, (add-form of entityB) I should have the data of that particular entityA object that the user clicked on.

So, far I'm able to get "all" the data of entityA on the add-form of entityB, which is of no help as I'm unable to get the specific id of entityA.

The relevant code are:


  path: '/admin/config/mymodule/{entityA}/entityB/add'
    _entity_form: 'mymodule_entityA_entityB.default'
    _title: 'EntityB'
    _entity_create_access: 'mymodule_entityA'

When, I'm shown the form addition page of entityB (type: ../../testentitya/entityA/add), how do I pass the entityA object to the form and what will be the structure of entityB's config schema?

  • "entityB's config schema" -- is entityB a config entity??
    – user49
    Commented Jul 24, 2014 at 8:40
  • @chx: Yes. Both entities are config entity.
    – xan
    Commented Jul 24, 2014 at 8:44
  • I don't understand the difference of this question to drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/124065/…? seems exactly the same to me and does answer the question IMHO. Yes, it uses content and config entities/bundles, but that doesn't really matter.
    – Berdir
    Commented Jul 25, 2014 at 21:19
  • @Berdir: Yes, they don't have any difference. I've already flagged it for moderators asking them to delete it. After posting this question, I realized I should have edited that one. My bad.
    – xan
    Commented Jul 26, 2014 at 18:43

2 Answers 2


Regarding the references: config entities are simple beasts. Entity references are only supported on content entities; however you are on the way of building it out yourself tailored for your needs. So, just store a string with the id of configA and that's about it. What you do with a string is your call.


Have a look at https://www.drupal.org/node/2310425

This should explaine everything needed.

Here is an example how it would look like:

  path: '/admin/config/mymodule/{entityA}/{entityB}/add'
    _entity_form: 'mymodule_entityA_entityB.default'
    _title: 'EntityB'
    _entity_create_access: 'mymodule_entityA'
        type: entity:entity_type_a
        type: entity:entity_type_b
  • The example doesn't make too much sense to me, as you're adding an entityB, you can't pass anything to it? You only pass around entityA?
    – Berdir
    Commented Jul 25, 2014 at 21:18

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