My project requires two different pages to edit a user. The first one being at /settings/{user}/my-profile
, where the user updates their name, address, etc. The other page is at /settings/{user}/login-credentials
, where the user updates their username, password, etc.
After navigating to /admin/structure/display-modes/form
, I have created a custom form mode called "My Profile" which has the id user.my_profile
, and activated it at the bottom of admin/config/people/accounts/form-display
Now I need to create a page that utilizes this new custom form mode, and I'm a bit lost.
I looked into how the standard user edit route is created at /user/{user}/edit
, and I found the code in the route provider at namespace Drupal\user\Entity;
. This is what is in that method (other routes have been removed)...
public function getRoutes(EntityTypeInterface $entity_type) {
$route_collection = new RouteCollection();
$route = (new Route('/user/{user}/edit'))
'_entity_form' => 'user.default',
'_title_callback' => 'Drupal\user\Controller\UserController::userTitle',
->setOption('_admin_route', TRUE)
->setRequirement('user', '\d+')
->setRequirement('_entity_access', 'user.update');
$route_collection->add('entity.user.edit_form', $route);
return $route_collection;
Then I did some research on the routing system, and I've created a routing.yml file. The name of my module is sc
, and the file is at modules/custom/sc/sc.routing.yml
path: '/settings/{user}/my-profile'
_entity_form: 'user.my_profile'
_title_callback: 'Drupal\user\Controller\UserController::userTitle'
user: '\d+'
_entity_access: 'user.update'
_permission: 'access content'
I'm logged in as user1, cleared the cache, and when I navigate to /settings/1/my-profile
, I get "Page Not Found". Am I on the right track? How do I create these pages with different form modes?